Rural Property Air Conditioning And Heating in Okanagan Falls, Oliver, Penticton, BC, and Surrounding Areas
Rural Property Air Conditioning And Heating In Okanagan Falls, Oliver, Penticton, Summerland, Osoyoos, Kaleden, Naramata, Cawston, Keremeos, BC, and Surrounding Areas

Our team is ready to take on new construction projects. Our attention to detail, organization, and team collaboration make for a smooth-running project.
Call us today for a custom quote and strategy session to plan your future projects.

New Construction – Servicing the Okanagan Falls, Oliver, Penticton, BC, and Surrounding Areas
Schedule Rural Property Air Conditioning And Heating Service @ (250) 497-8858 or Schedule Online today! Sarsons Mechanical Services Ltd is dedicated to your comfort!